2022.06.11 상처전담병실 개설 |
안심치료재활센터 오픈 |
06/11/2022 Opening of a Wound-only Ward
Opening of the Safe Treatment Rehabilitation Center
2021.06.25 국가지속가능발전 경영우수기업 |
2021.07.07 효도리사회사업단 발족 |
2021.12.10 암통합면역센터 오픈 |
06/25/2021 National Sustainability Management
07/07/2021 Launch of the Hyodori Social Service
12/10/2021 Opening of the Integrated Cancer
Immunity Center
2020.01.08 연명의료 수가시범 운영기관 선정 |
2020.05.01 장애인 표준사업장 사랑모아 운영 |
01/08/2020 Selected as an Institution for the Pilot Operation of Life-Sustaining Treatment Expenses
05/01/2020 Operation of the Disabled Standard Business 'Sarangmoa'
2019.05.21 '아시아에서 가장 일하기 좋은 기업' 신뢰받는 CEO상 수상 |
2019.08.21 광주권역 사업주훈련 우수사례 경진대회 중소기업부문 1위 금상 수상 |
2019.09.10 사업주 직업능력개발훈련 전국 우수사례 경진대회 은상 수상 |
2019.10.14 3주기 인증 시범조사 |
2019.11.01 감염안심 병동 |
05/21/2019 'Best Workplaces in Asia Award' Trusted
CEO Award Received
08/21/2019 The 'Gwangju Regional Employer Training
Best Practices Contest' won the first
prize in the small and medium-sized
enterprise category
09/10/2019 'Business Owner's Vocational Competency
Development Training' won the silver prize in the National Best Practices
10/14/2019 3rd Cycle Certification Pilot Survey
11/01/2019 Infection-Safe Ward
2018.02.04 사전연명의료의향서 등록기관 |
2018.10.22 사업주직업능력개발 우수사례 경진대회 전북 최우수상 |
2018.10.23 독서경영 문화체육부장관상 최우수상 |
2018.11.01 인공신장실 확장 오픈 |
2018.11.08 대한민국 일하기 좋은 100대기업 대상 선정 |
02/04/2018 Registration Institution for Advance Letter of Intent for Life-Sustaining Treatment
10/22/2018 Jeonbuk Best Excellence Award in the Employer Vocational Skills Development Best Practices Competition
10/23/2018 Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Award for Best Excellence in Reading Management
11/01/2018 Expanded Opening of the Artificial Kidney Room
11/08/2018 Grand Prize Award for the 'Top 100 Best Companies to Work for in Korea'
2017.01.03 최초 2주기 의료기관인증 적정성 평가 1등급 |
2017.07.07 프리미엄병동 오픈. 별관 증축 803병상 운영 |
10주년 기념식 |
2017.09.20 좋은 요양병원 선정 |
2017.11.11 효사랑장례문화원 오픈 |
2017.12.14 노사문화동탑산업훈장 |
2017.12.19 여성가족부 주관 가족친화 우수기업 인증 |
01/03/2017 First Grade of Medical Institution
Accreditation Appropriateness Evaluation for the First 2nd Cycle
07/07/2017 Opening of the Premium Ward
Operation of 803 beds in an expanded annex
10th Anniversary Celebration
09/20/2017 Selection of 'Good Convalescent Hospital'
11/11/2017 Hyosarang Funeral Center' Opening
12/14/2017 Labor-Management Culture Bronze Tower
Order of Industrial Service Merit
12/19/2017 Certification as a Family-Friendly Excellent
Company by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family
2016.09.01 환자안전 전담자 배치 |
2016.12.20 일가정 양립우수기관 여성가족부장관상 |
09/01/2016 Deployment of a Dedicated Patient Safety Officer
12/20/2016 Minister of Gender Equality and Family Award for Excellent Work-Family Balance Institution
2015.03.15 고객행복센터 개소 (고객불만접수처리) |
2015.11.17 인공신장실 오픈 |
03/15/2015 Opening of Customer Happiness Center
(Customer Complaint Acceptance Processing)
11/17/2015 Opening of the Artificial Kidney Room
2014.03.15 핵심인재평생교육원 개원 재직자, 실업자, 사업주 훈련기관 |
2014.05.20 고객이 신뢰하는 브랜드 대상 |
2014.10~12 의료기관 적정성평가 1등급 |
03/15/2014 Opening of the Core Talent Education Institute
Training Institution for Employed Workers, Unemployed Individuals, and Employers
05/20/2014 Targets for Brands that Customers Trust
10~12/2014 Grade 1 in Medical Institution Appropriateness Evaluation
03/06/2013 Obtained No. 1 Certification of Medical
Institution in Convalescent Hospital
06/30/2013 Central Nervous System, Joint and Pain
Rehabilitation Center
07/07/2013 Expansion and Opening of 660 Beds
(Operating the Largest Number of Beds
10/02/2013 Opening of 'Core Talent Education'
2013 Implement of PACS
2013.03.06 요양병원 의료기관 인증 제1호 획득 |
2013.06.30 중추, 관절, 통증 재활센터 |
2013.07.07 660병상 증축 개원 (전국최대병상 운영) |
2013.10.02 핵심인재교육원 개원 |
2013 PACS 도입 |
2010.01.03 푸른꿈 작은도서관 개관 |
01/03/2010 Opening of the 'Blue Dream Small Library'
2009 EMR 도입 |
2009.07.07 가정간호실 오픈 |
2009 Implement of EMR
07/07/2009 Opening of the 'Home Nursing Care'
2007.06.11 330병상 개원 (재활치료전문) |
2007.07.07 효사랑가족요양병원 개원식 |
06/11/2007 Opening of 330 Beds(Specialized in Rehabilitation Treatment)
07/07/2007 Opening Ceremony of 'Hyosarang Family Hospital'
Tel. 063-711-1111~3 | Fax. 063-711-1110
전라북도 전주시 완산구 용머리로 77 [전주시 완산구 효자동 1가 292번지]
효사랑가족요양병원 | 대표자 : 김정연 | 사업자등록번호 : 402-91-50382
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